Monday, July 27, 2015

Here is my pattern for Wink2 Tribute.  It is a mandala I designed, using Marinke's design elements into my own original design.  I made it to be part of Kathryn Vercillo's Mandalas for Marinke Project to honor Marinke's life and to raise awareness about depression.  See: for more details.  I am offering this free pattern especially for those of you who may like to use it for Kathryn's project.  Feel free to contact e if you have any difficulties with it.

Crochet Hook: I used a U.S G-6/4mm because I like tight work.  However, the yarn I used recommended a 5mm (U.S. 8) and it might be easier to use a larger hook than the one I used.  This should not matter for the Mandalas for Marinke Project since a mandala size was not specified.

Yarn: I used Paris Drops, a loosely plied 100% cotton that was Wink’s favorite yarn.
                Colors Used:
                   Color A = strong yellow #14 (for center of center flower and sun rays)
                   Color B = vanilla (light yellow) #35 (for cluster-petals of center flower)
                   Color C = opal green #11 (for stems and leaves)
                   Color D = white #16 (for fence)
                   Color E = hot pink #06 (for blossom clusters)
                   Color F = dark turquoise #10 (for sky edging)
                   Color G = red #12 (for heart)

Sewing thread in color G, Darning needle, Sewing needle, and Scissors

Rnd 1:  Using color A, ch 2, 8 dc in 1st ch, sl st in 1st dc; finish off.

Rnd 2:  Using color B, (dc 4, sl st in back of 1st dc, [cluster made], ch 3) around, sl st in top of 1st cluster; finish off (8 clusters).

Rnd 3:  Using color C, (sc 4 in ch-3 sp {between clusters}) around, sl st in 1st sc; finish off (32 sc’s).

Rnd 4: Using color D, attach yarn above one cluster, (sc 2, long sc into space below 3rd-Rnd {between next two clusters}, sc in next2 sts) around, sl st in 1st sc; finish off (40 sc’s).

Rnd 5:  Using color C, working in back: (trc in 3rd-Rnd before a cluster, ch 2, trc after the cluster, ch 5) around, sl st in 1st trc; finish off (16 trc’s).

Rnd 6: Using color E, (4 dc in ch-2-sp, sl st in back of 1st dc [cluster made], ch 8) around, sl st in top of 1st cluster; finish off (8 clusters).

Rnd 7:  Using color D, (sc 5 in ch-8-sp;  ch 2, sl st in 1st ch [picot made];  dtrc in 4th-Rnd-long-sc [spoke made], sc 5 in same ch-8-sp) around, sl st in 1st sc; finish off (8 spokes topped with picots).

Rnd 8:  Using color A, working in back loops only: dc on one side of a picot, (ch, dc on the other side of picot, ch, sk 1, dc, ch, sk 1, dc over closest side of cluster, ch, dc, ch, sk 1, dc, ch, sk1,dc on closest side of picot) around, sl st in 1st dc; finish off (48 dc’s).

Rnd 9:  Using color F,  starting between 2-dcs-above-spoke (dc 2 in next ch-1-sp, dc 3 in next ch-1-sp) around, sl st in 1st dc; DON’T FINISH OFF (120 dc’s).

RND 10:  Continuing with color F, sc in same st as sl-st, (sk 3, dc 6 in next st, sk 2, sc {directly above 6th-

Rnd-cluster} [1st fan made]; sk 3, dc 6 in next st, sk 3, sc  {directly above 7th-Rnd-picot} [2nd fan made]) around—ending with sl st in first sc; finish off (16 fans).

HEART:  Using color G, ch 6, dc in 3rd ch, sl st in same ch, ch 2, trc in same ch, ch 2 , sl st in 2nd ch of foundation-ch, finish off.  Weave tail through 1st ch of foundation-ch and up one side of heart and down the back-middle, weave other tail up other side of heart and down back-middle. Using sewing thread, tack heart to center of mandala.